Halls and buildings based on steel structures

Steel structures are fundamental in modern constructions, as they give a wide range of advantages, like: resistance, durability, flexibility in design, etc. Steel structures can be used in different applications: office buildings, warehouses, factories and industrial structures.


Steel structures for constructions, and especially for halls, are very versatile for a wide range of applications: warehouseare, production, commercial activities , even entertainment.

ARDACO is a producer of steel structures for constructions, based on execution drawings, according to EN 1090 EXC3.

Why to choose steel structures?

Steel structures

High degree of standardization

Light structure, handling can be done with relatively common equipment

Transportation is easy with a relative low cost

The manufacturing speed is very high

Easy to make corrections or changes

Fast assembly, especially on structures designed to be assembled with fasterners, does not require heavy tonnage equipment

Quick disassembly

100% recyclable

  • High degree of standardization
  • Light structure, handling can be done with relatively common equipment
  • Transportation is easy with a relative low cost
  • The manufacturing speed is very high
  • Easy to make corrections or changes
  • Fast assembly, especially on structures designed to be assembled with fasterners, does not require heavy tonnage equipment
  • Quick disassembly
  • 100% recyclable


Concrete structures

Standardization is not easy

The weight of the structure is high, it requires heavy equipment for handling

High shipping cost

In addition to the casting time, the drying time make it a much longer solution

Corrections or changes are mainly not allowed, or hard to implement

Installation is very difficult, requiring heavy lifting equipment

Cumbersome disassembly

Difficulties for recycling

  • Standardization is not easy
  • The weight of the structure is high, it requires heavy equipment for handling
  • High shipping cost
  • In addition to the casting time, the drying time make it a much longer solution
  • Corrections or changes are mainly not allowed, or hard to implement
  • Installation is very difficult, requiring heavy lifting equipment
  • Cumbersome disassembly
  • Difficulties for recycling

How do we work?

Identificăm nevoile potențialului client și îl sfătuim cum să optimizeze costurile și timpul de realizare, astfel că, în discuția cu proiectantul, clientul este informat și știe care sunt punctele importante de avut în vedere la întocmirea proiectului.

În urma analizei proiectului tehnic de execuție, oferim clientului prețul de execuție pentru structura metalică și dacă ambele părți sunt de acord, semnăm un contract în care sunt prevăzuți termenii înțelegerii.

Din momentul cotractării demarăm aprovizionarea materialelor specifice proiectului și începem producția structurii.

Pe măsură ce producția avansează, se menține o comunicare deschisă cu clientul pentru a se putea urmări, în paralel, evoluția lucrărilor din șantier.

Livrarea structurii se poate face în etape, astfel ca lucrările din șantier să avanseze nestingherite.

We identify the potential client’s needs and advise him how to optimize the costs and timing, so that, in the discussion with the designer, the client is informed and knows what are the important points to consider when drawing up the project.

Following the analysis of the technical execution project, we make an offer to produce the steel structure, and if both parties agree, we sign a contract and start the project.

We purchase the materials for the specific project, and we start the production.

While the production is in progress, we maintain an open communication channel with the customer, to correlate with the progress in the construction site.

The delivery of the structure can be made in different stages, in such a way that the construction can progress without delays.

Complex structures for industry

Complex structures for industry

Structures with a high degree of complexity are generally designed for the industrial environment. Their production requires a much more advanced level of organization and traceability, according to project management methodology.

Each project has tens, hundreds or even thousands of unique components, with shapes and sizes from small to very large, that must go through a multitude of complex manufacturing operations. Before reaching production, each project is processed by the technical department, each component is analyzed, each drawing is exploded and documented, the generated information is centralized and used: in the supply chain, the optimization of material usage through specialized software, the tracking of production, etc.

The challenge of organizing for this type of production is not only to ensure that all project  components have passed through all production operations, quality control, labeling, packaging (with a detailed packing list for each package) and delivery within the agreed time with the customer, but moreover, the organization must be able to manage several different projects simultaneously, avoiding the possibility of mixing components between projects, especially when they may be similar, ensuring traceability at all times.

ARDACO has extensive experience in the production of complex structures for industry, which represent an important part of our activity. The projects produced by ARDACO are successfully installed by European customers on

How do we work?

De la primul contact cu potențialii clienți avem în vedere seriozitatea unei astfel de relații, nevoia pentru un grad ridicat de încredere.

Creștem astfel de relații pornind de la proiecte mici prin care clientul verifică capacitatea de a livra la timp și calitatea produselor.

Treptat, se trece la un număr mai mare de proiecte mici, livrate simultan.

Dupa o perioadă în care se verifică stabilitatea, volumul și complexitatea proiectelor crește.

From the first contact with potential clients, we consider the seriousness of such a relationship, the need for a high degree of trust.

We grow such relationships starting from small projects through which the client checks the capability to deliver on time with the required  quality.

Gradually, it moves to a larger number of small projects, delivered simultaneously.

After a period in which stability is verified, the volume and complexity of the projects increases.