Lean Manufacturing – is a systematic method for eliminate waste in a production process. Starting from analyzing the processes, the objective is to eliminate the operations that doesn’t add value for the customer. Therefore, the waste is any activity that adds costs in the product, but doesn’t add value in the customer eyes.
– the product is designed to capture the customer’s view on added value, which means that it is flexible and customizable;
– production is correlated with the demand – unnecessary inventory is avoided;
– the organization of the production allows the creation of several products with the same material base, and moreover, the transition time from one product to another is very short.
Nowadays, production and assembly lines must be characterized by a short fabrication cycle, with smaller and smaller volume batches, and a much wider variety of products. Finding the equilibrium equation is quite a challenge for any producer. Obviously, to be a fast responder for the customers continuous increasing variety in demand, production systems that can be developed and reconfigured with a similar speed is a MUST. Much more, the production systems must be able to absorb any extension or new configurations of the assembly technology, using the already existing framework.
Lean Manufacturing is definitely such a system, as it is designed for a high flexibility and is focused on organizing the workplace. The products can be processed one by one, not in batches that just increase the inventory, hoping for a future potential order. The objective is so, to produce the ordered quantities, not more. Due to this approach, it is mandatory to be able to fast switch from assembly one product to another, as many times per day as needed, with all the implications. Thus, the limited resources: labor, equipment, production floor are more wisely used.
1. Uninterrupted flow
The U-cell is preferred in the Lean system because each sub-process is linked to the next in a logical and efficient order. This sequence of sub-processes being compacted in a single cell ensures the elimination of the loss generated by the movement of employees. Thus, when the employee completes the entire assembly process, he just returns and is again at the first stage of the process.
During assembly, the product is transferred by each employee from one operation to the next on roller beds, or if the products have a high specific weight: by conveyors Cell – U, a flexible assembly system if the products have a high specific weight: by conveyors with tape, gravity, etc. Being simple systems, their maintenance is also simple and any problems can be solved in a short time. And because the transfer systems very easily connect one workstation to another, this always ensures a quick reorganization of the cell.
Although the transfer in the curved shape of the U-cell seems complicated, today’s solutions (transfer on spherical rollers, guide rails, etc.) eliminate the occurrence of a blocking point.
2. Simplicity
In the construction of the U-cell, each workstation is designed to fit a compact space, for at least three reasons:
(1) to prevent storage of components at the work station, (2) to limit worker movement from one sub-process to another and (3) to save floor space. Each workstation must be designed in such a way as to optimize the assembly sub-processes. This implies that the stations should not be standardized but rather customized for the operations that process them. Given this design, flexibility is the essential element. Cell – U, a flexible assembly system Given Fig. 2a. The wide range of accessories being this design, flexibility is the essential element. The construction of workstations must be made with materials that can be easily reconfigured or reused and at the same time have a minimal impact on the environment. The KANYA aluminum profile assembly system, which offers unlimited construction possibilities, is the ideal solution for any company that applies the Lean system. The workstations built with the KANYA system and the entire U-cells can be modified, reconfigured or moved very easily, given the low weight, the innovative connector system and the very wide range of accessories.
An important factor in designing a workstation is the ergonomics, to make the tools and instruments easily accessible by the operator. Losing, misplacing, mixing or even overcrowding of tools can cause serious delays in the production process. KANYA systems facilitates 5S organization of the workplace. Practically applying 5S method on a workstation means to choose just the needed tools and instruments and placing them in specially designed positions that are easily accessible. After a period of testing, if everything works smooth, the workstation organization is standardized, procedures and instructions are displayed for the operators. Than, maintaining order and cleanness will be a much easier process.
Thus, every workstation tool will be placed in the special designated place, the workstation will match the number of tools supports with the number of tools. If a tool is missing, the empty support will immediately show it. Also, the retractable, electrical or pneumatic tools, suspended on adjustable arms are the best solution for ergonomics.
The efficiency of the workstation depends a lot on the information displayed for the operator. Key information such as: work instructions, order of operations, maintenance and repair procedures at the workstation allows workers to make correct and quick decisions on the spot, thus limiting the unnecessary stoppage of the production flow. Obviously, display panels must be simple and easy to reposition.
4. Components positioning
As the production goes on, during the day, the workstations need to be refilled with components that will be assembled in the final product. However, the cell operators should not stop their work for refilling, that means, the refill cannot be made from within the cell, but from outside. Gravitational conveyors are the most simple solution for refilling all the production cell.
Placing the components in standardized boxes, is a Lean Manufacturing specific solution.
Using the KANBAN system, the workstation is refilled in a timely fashion, with the exact number of components. As each box has a standardized number of components, the production status can be rapidly assessed. Empty boxes are evacuated also by gravitational conveyors. Different color boxes, helps the operator to differentiate components more easily.
5. Reconfigurability
The design of the U-cells must be made so that the reconfiguration is simple. The ability to quickly switch from assembling one product to another is mandatory.
The KANYA system simplifies reconfigurations and transitions. Thanks to the innovative system of connectors, most of the time, the reconfiguration can be done with a single Allen key.
There are situations when a lean cell must be quickly reconfigured either due to process changes or to assemble a new product. If one of the machines in the cell, or an entire workstation needs to be modified, it is essential to be able to quickly disassemble the station, or move it to the new configuration. The use of locking wheels for each station ensures easy handling, and the KANYA profile system ensures both an easy assembly system and the possibility of equipping the stations with wheels. Furthermore, for applications in the electronic field, KANYA also provides ESD structures.
6. Quality
As the products are assembled one by one, visual inspection is a continuous process. Adding testing templates and equipment’s, product testing can be done rapidly, which will avoid quality issues.
7. Maintenance
The downtime of a production process generates costs that are difficult to calculate, especially when customer orders must be in a JTD system.
The KANYA modular system is the ideal solution for maintenance. Easy access allows components to be replaced or reconfigured in few minutes. Equipment enclosures, protections, workstations, etc are designed for easy access for maintenance but can also be rebuilt very quickly.
As the KANYA system components are standardized, building, or repairing a structure can be done with 3-4 very simple hand tools. Furthermore, the need to maintain large inventories of spare parts is eliminated. An entire factory can be standardized on a single type of profile, several types of connectors and accessories, and the construction possibilities are practically unlimited.
Even more, a special advantage is that the KANYA aluminum system does not require other finishes (welding, painting, etc.)
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